The frustration of photographing children: tales of a knit photo shoot

I think most people that have kids know this. I will admit straight out I am not a great photographer. I might take an amazing shot now and then but it will be a complete fluke. My photos are basic and of what they need to be. I would love to develop more artistry but alas I do not have the time (and maybe not the patience).

I have a new pattern due for release. It is a beanie and called Dryad. I actually designed it 2 years ago, but did nothing with it. Well I have now written it up and it is almost ready for release. Except for the photos. I had the samples. I had two children. And we were going to a beach that is magnificent. I should have known better.


First issue I didn’t take into account? The light. It was really the wrong time of day and way too bright. It was hard to see the detail of the beanie.


Second issue? Children don’t particularly like to stand still very long. Especially when there is so many interesting things to look at. And they don’t particularly like being cooperative when asked to wear beanies and “look cold” when it’s actually close to 35 degrees Celsius.


I did finally get a few that could work. And thought I can try again later.

This morning it was foggy. So a lovely diffused light. I dressed the kids up and promised chocolate.

Sigh. How hard is it to get two boys to look at you at the same time without pulling strange faces. Or doing something weird.

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Look out early October for the release. It’s a quick fast knit that produces a lovely slightly slouchy, stretchy beanie with simple cable detail.

Tiny Toddler Underwear

I hope this works but here is my pattern for Tiny Toddler Underwear. This came about because littlest one decided to toilet train but no undies I found fit.

Maya's Life Here

So my youngest decided the other week nappies were for losers and rips them off as soon as I put them on a demands “docks li bay” (jocks like his brother). Unfortunately Mr R is a tiny toddler with no bum. He still wears size 0 shorts mostly though I have been putting sizes 1-2 on him BUT they are over big cloth bums so they stay up. So I went on the hunt for  somewhere were I could buy reasonable priced 0-1 size underwear. No such luck, we only have a Target and Best and Less in town for kids clothes and while Best and Less have trainer pants in size 1 they are still too big and sag all over the place and eventually fall off Mr R, just like the size 2-3 Target undies. (apparently pumpkin patch and a few other places do size 1-2)

So out comes the handy dandy sewing machine and an…

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